A Note of Appreciation From Fr Fabius

19th May 2022

Dear Fr. Pawel Kopczynski CSMA, St. Kevin’s Parishioners, friends and other contributors.

It is ‘good news’, once again, for the pupils, teachers and parents of Pere Achte Primary School in Uganda, that 4 classrooms have been renovated. The potholed floor, shabby walls and broken windows and doors are a history for the community.  All this has been realized from the generosity of the Christian community and friends of St. Kevin Parish, Eastwood, Sydney in Australia.

It gives me immense pleasure, therefore, to write this appreciation letter to you.  I would like to extend our gratitude to your valuable generous contribution that has brought about a tremendous positive change in the appearance of Pere Achte Primary School.  Yours is the faith with actions (James 3:14 – 26).  It is my earnest prayer, most noble Christians and well-wishers, that you may continue to enjoy the Holy Spirit and his eternal consolation.

We truly appreciate your dedication in helping us towards the formal education of our vulnerable children. I am very much aware of the efforts you put in to realise such a contribution. Thank you for your continuing support.  May the Almighty God continue to shower his blessings upon you all!

Fr. Fabius K. Bainakanaama

Click here to view photos of the classroom renovations.